It may technically be winter in Austin but depending on the day it may feel more like spring. Maybe you’re thinking ahead to spring barbeques and outdoor games like me and wondering how to make that space more welcoming and beautiful. It’s easy to get antsy but don’t let the warm weather lure you into jumping the gun on some of your yard plans. Keeping the possibility of a late freeze in mind there are still things you can safely do at this time of year that a late season frost won’t damage.
This is a great time to plant shrubs as long as you’re aware of the chilly night here and there that’s bound to pop up. Give those babies some good protection with a bed sheet or a frost protection blanket. They’ll get a head start on getting a strong root system established before the summer heat settles in.
You can also get in a Dormant Oil application on bare trees and shrubs to smother overwintering insect eggs and larvae without using poison. It’ll really cut down on bug problems later in the year. Just be sure to cover plants that may catch some of the overspray as dormant oil will also kill tender vegetation.
Now is also a good time to get a head start on the spring weeds that will be popping up soon. Corn gluten is a natural weed-and-feed that can be applied with a spreader and will significantly reduce the spring weed emergence naturally and without chemical run-off.
Getting an early start on your yard will enhance the beauty and your enjoyment of your outdoor space all year long.