Spring is still officially almost a week away but a walk around the neighborhood is all it takes to tell me that Mother Nature doesn’t give a hoot what the calendar has to say. Redbuds are blooming and the live oaks are dropping their leaves. Now THAT is the beginning of spring in Austin! Next thing you know there will be irises and bluebonnets popping up.
Something about watching all that dull dormancy burst into colorful life gets us itching to tackle our spring projects, clean off the layers of winter and dig into the dirt, both outside and inside. Gardens are going in and corners are being scrubbed. That’s right…it’s Spring Cleaning time!
Clearing out clutter, cleaning away the cobwebs and tidying things up around the yard can seem overwhelming but take the time to look through some guides, make a plan and enlist helpers! Create a chore chart for the kids and include them in your planning. Here are “6 Tips For Successful Spring Cleaning” from our friends at theSpruce.com to get you started with links to ideas, suggestions, and helpful hints and help you maintain your efforts throughout the year.
Celebrate your accomplishments with a backyard barbeque. You’ll want to show off your sparkling house to all your friends! Happy Cleaning!