Happy New Year! Did you make any New Year’s Resolutions this year? Have you kept any of them? Everyone starts off their year with the best of intentions and approximately mid-January to early February we all start slipping into our comfortable habits, it seems. So, I say, let’s...
Move it!
If Being More Active made it on to your list of resolutions for 2013 Austin has just the thing for you. There are gyms, yoga or pilates studios or bootcamps just about everywhere you look. If you’d like to incorporate exploring Austin as part of your new regime, check...
QotW: More inspiration
“Success seems to be connected with action. Successful people keep moving. They make mistakes, but they don’t quit.” ~Conrad Hilton
Making healthy lifestyle changes could possibly be the most resolved resolution since the beginning of resolutions. Lifestyle choices play a huge role in our overall feelings of health, both physical and mental, and encompass a wide range of possible actions. Here’s just a quick sample of some common to-dos...
Quote of the Week
“Small things, done consistently, in strategic places, create major impact. What are our top “small things” right now?” ~ David Allen, author of Getting Things Done – The Art of Stress-Free Productivity.