Sherri Williams, REALTOR® specializes in working with Seniors and Retirees in the Austin area. She enjoys providing information and articles that are specific to our generation. Today, Sherri is excited to feature guest blogger Teresa Greenhill of Mental Health for Seniors. Please see Teresa’s bio below and enjoy learning...
It’s Fantastic To Be a Senior in Austin
“Senior”…that’s a strange word, isn’t it? “Senior.” When we’re young and in high school or college, we can’t wait to be “Seniors!” That means that we have “made it,” put in our time, and we’re about to head on to new and exciting adventures. But when we’re older “Seniors,”...
Assisted Living in Austin and How To Pay For It!
These are our “golden years” and we want to spend them enjoying family, friends, hobbies, and so much more. Occasionally, we need a little bit of help doing those things. This is where Assisted Living might be a fantastic option. Maybe independent living has become a bit of a...
Austin Area High School Football Schedules
We all love our Texas Football! And I know, as parents, you want to be involved in school events, and one of the coolest ways to participate is going to the exciting football games. It’s hard to resist watching the rivalries play out and the bands really getting us...
Top 10 Things to Look For When Buying A Home
When you are looking to buy a home, you will find that your dream house may not exist, or it may exist but may be more than you want to spend. Sometimes compromises may have to be made. So, it’s best to know what is most important to you...
How To Buy A House With Cash Before You Sell Your Existing Home!
So, after months of searching, you have finally found your dream home. It’s perfect! Everything you ever wanted. You reach out to a realtor and you are ready to put in an offer…one problem though you hadn’t considered is…you need to sell your existing house first due to the...