Bat Crazy

A fun but oft overlooked activity for Austin locals is the nightly emergence of our Mexican free-tail bats from their summer home underneath the Congress Avenue bridge. July and August are peak viewing times to see the estimated million and a half bats leave for their nightly foraging and is truly a sight to behold.

The Austin American-Statesman’s bat observation area offers a perfect view and space to throw down a blanket and bring a picnic. If you’d rather watch from lovely Lady Bird Lake there are opportunities for riverboat tours or go your own way and rent a canoe or kayak from one of the many outfitters located along the river. You’re sure to get a beautiful view of the sunset as well as the cloud of bats which usually depart just after sunset, typically between 8:15 pm and 9:15 pm. You can call Bat Conservation International at 512-327-9721 for the latest flight times.