Tips on a Kitchen Remodel

Have you been mulling a kitchen remodel for a while and getting ready to dive in? That simmering process can linger and linger because taking the next steps to jump into a big project can be incredibly overwhelming. Once you’ve spent hours poring through design magazines, marking pages; trolling...

Spring is in the air

Spring is still officially almost a week away but a walk around the neighborhood is all it takes to tell me that Mother Nature doesn’t give a hoot what the calendar has to say. Redbuds are blooming and the live oaks are dropping their leaves. Now THAT is the...

Water, water every where. Not.

Water has been in the Austin news a lot lately as it has become a huge topic of the current legislative session and recent reports that predict the drought will continue into the near future. As Texas’ population grows and our water resources are shrinking conservation is more important...

Save your energy

If you’re like me you probably notice the minute fluctuations in gas prices every time you drive by a gas station, or at the very least, when you fill up the tank. While we all seem to pay close attention to daily gas prices we seldom think about our...

Winter landscaping

It may technically be winter in Austin but depending on the day it may feel more like spring. Maybe you’re thinking ahead to spring barbeques and outdoor games like me and wondering how to make that space more welcoming and beautiful. It’s easy to get antsy but don’t let...

Getting Organized

Getting organized is an old favorite among New Year’s resolutions. Big plans to get the garage cleaned out, bring order to the laundry room, plan a month of healthy menus and match every plastic food container to its corresponding lid top lists of many well-intentioned resolvers. A couple of...